Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
National Council of Catholic Women Mission Statement:
The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.
The St. William Council of Catholic Women acts through its membership to support the Mission Statement of the NCCW through member activities. These activities include the Chocolate, Cheese & Wine Social, Fall Bazaar, Advent Luncheon, Spiritual Retreat, Adopt-a-Seminarian, and the Divine Mercy Novena. The CCW also sponsors the Sew & So group, a group of ladies who meet to sew, knit, quilt, etc. they make baby bonnets, prayer shawls, dresses for Helping Hugs, rosaries and more. The events sponsored by the Council provide the funds for donations to local and diocesan charities.
We invite all the women of the parish to join. Applications are available in the parish office or on the table under the bulletin board in the church vestibule. CCW especially needs your membership this year due to unavailability of the parish hall for fund-raising events. Dues are $10, and any additional contributions would be very welcomed!
For more information, please call Stephanie D’Amico, 912-399-9296.
CCW Covered Dish
For the final meeting of the year, CCW has a covered dish dinner, from 5-7pm in the parish hall. The date will be announced as it is decided. Please plan to bring your favorite side dish. Meat and drinks will be provided. Everyone is welcome.
The St. William Council of Catholic Women has a scholarship fund available for all students registered in our parish who will graduate from high school in the Spring of 2020 and anticipate attendance at a trade school, and/or two- or four-year college or university. Letters and application packets will be mailed to graduating seniors. If you are a high school senior and have not received an application in the mail, please contact Rosie Mohn at 912-230-3154 or by email at, and an application packet will be sent. Interviews are scheduled shortly after all applications are received. Someone will notify the applicants of interview times and place. Scholarship winner(s) are announced at the 8am Graduate Mass.