Our St. William Music Ministry provides beauty, comfort and inspiration for our Liturgies and festive celebrations, which include the Sacramental Masses of Confirmation and First Communion, Reconciliation services during Lent and Advent, Funeral liturgies and Wedding Ceremonies.  We are thankful for the musical gifts, generosity, and commitment of time by our members.

Our Music Ministry Outreach includes the choir, which primarily sings at 10:30 Mass on Sunday, and  the Hand Bell Choir which plays for Liturgies as well as concerts at area Nursing Homes, and the Funeral Choir which is made up of members from the choir.

If you have a desire to sing or play an instrument and an ability to attend rehearsals on
Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm and Masses at 10:30.

Please contact our director, Kate Hamer by Email: kwhamer@comcast.net  or phone (912) 634-5040 and
she can make this happen!


Choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, September 11th!   We hope to see some new faces and hear some new voices!

Our Hand Bell Choir meets on Thursdays. Beginning September 12th  rehearsals will be on Thursdays from 11:00 am – 12:30 p.m.


Find more information on www.stwilliammusic.org



Order of Pictures:  Kate Hamer,  Music Minister,   St. William Choir,  St. William Bell Choir