Our mission is to provide beautiful, liturgically appropriate music for our three Weekend Masses as well as special occasion liturgies which include the Sacramental Masses of Confirmation and First Communion, Reconciliation services during Lent and Advent, Funeral liturgies and Wedding Ceremonies.

Our Ministry has a volunteer Choir that sings primarily at the 10:30 Mass and occasional concerts, and, we have a Hand Bell Choir, which performs at a few Masses throughout the year and performs concerts for the parish and sometimes in the community.

The Children’s Choir sings at the Christmas Eve Family Mass
and at First Communion Mass in May.    

The Band plays for the monthly Youth Masses at 5:30 Mass and occasionally Easter Masses in the Parish Hall and at other Masses in the year.

We are hoping to build the Children’s Choir into a group which meets all through the year.

We are always looking for parishioners with musical talents they want to share!

Kate Hamer, Director of Music, can be reached at (912) 634-5040.

Find more information on www.stwilliammusic.org



Order of Pictures:  Kate Hamer,  Music Minister,   St. William Choir,  St. William Bell Choir