Seven Sisters Apostolate:
One Holy Hour, One Priest, Each Week, One Heart of Prayer
“In strengthening the priest
you strengthen the whole Church…
Strengthen the priest
and you strengthen the whole foundation,
you strengthen everything in the Church.”
— Fr. Gerald Fitzgerald, S.P.
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop—a “holy wasting” (cf. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ.
One Hour, One Day
Each member commits to a Holy Hour on a distinct day of the week, thus covering a complete week. The commitment is to that day; the Seven Sister may pray at any time on that day. If she is unable to offer her Holy Hour, she is to secure a substitute, explaining the Apostolate’s mission. The substitute need not be a woman. If unable to arrange a substitute, the member should contact the Anchoress for assistance.
Holy Eucharist
The Holy Hour is ideally prayed in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament – either in an Adoration Chapel or in front of a Tabernacle – but not restricted to the parish of which the Seven Sister is a member. Thus, one can remain faithful to the commitment when traveling, when a parish does not offer Perpetual Adoration, or when there is limited access to a particular church.
At present we are praying for our pastor, Monsignor Christopher Schreck. We need 7 more sisters so that we could cover in prayer Father Jim Holloway. In addition, we need substitutes in case one of the Sisters is prevented from praying her hour.
For more information or to join the Seven Sisters Apostolate contact:
Lee Norvell (912) 996-0628