Baptism of Infants and Children

St. William is delighted to be able to assist parents in the celebration of their child’s Baptism.   A newborn child should be baptized within the first few months of life.   A child who has already reached the age of 7 should receive some instruction/preparation before reception of the Sacrament.  Our Director of Religious Education will provide direction if this is the case. 

In order to have a newborn/infant (under 7 years old) child baptized at St. William, at least one parent must be a practicing Catholic, and registered at St. William (or in another Catholic Parish within the Diocese of Savannah).  Prior to scheduling a date for the Baptism, all of the following must be completed and/or submitted to our Director of Religious Education, Nancy Power.  Nancy may be contacted by phone, 912-638-2651, or by email,   Baptisms will not be scheduled until the ALL of the  following has been completed.  Please collect/complete ALL information before submitting it to St. William. 

  • Choose Godparents and provide verification.  Click here for guidelines and more information. 
  • Attend Baptism Preparation Class (both parents and godparents.)    Click Baptism Preparation Class to register and take class.
  • Provide completed Baptism Registration Form.  Click Baptism Registration for form.
  • Provide certified copy of child’s Birth Certificate.
  • Provide certified copy of parents’ Marriage Certificate (if applicable).
  • Catholic parents and godparents must present the following:
    • Verification of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation
    • Godparents, if not a member of St. William, must also present a ‘Letter of Good Standing’ from the parish they are actively attending.


Baptism of Adults and Children over 7 years old

Adults and older children (7 and older) are welcomed into the Church through the RCIA program.

Please contact us in the Religious Education Office if you have any questions, 912-638-2651, or