In Memory of Msgr. John Anthony Kenneally

Posted on December 5, 2016

Home Team In Memory of Msgr. John Anthony Kenneally


In Memory of Msgr. John Anthony Kenneally

Monsignor John A. Kenneally

May 6, 1945 – March 31, 2021
Ordained  a Priest on June 15, 1969

We give thanks for Monsignor Kenneally’s amazing life as a priest in the Diocese of Savannah, and we celebrate his priestly ministry in service to the Diocese as Chancellor and Vicar General and, notably, as pastor of Holy Spirit Parish in Macon; St. James Parish in Savannah; and for almost nineteen years as our pastor here at St. William.  Let us remember him in prayer and in thanksgiving for his remarkable service.  May Christ the Good Shepherd lead him to fullness of life eternal in the kingdom of God!

     A Vigil Service was held on Thursday, April 8,  at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist, Savannah.  A Funeral Mass was celebrated on Friday, April 9, at 11:00am, also at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist, Savannah.  The video of this Mass is  below.

On Saturday, April 10, a Funeral Mass was celebrated at 10:00am here at St. William Catholic Church.  The link to the live stream of this Mass is StWilliamonSSI.  Monsignor Kenneally will be interred in the columbarium at St. William.